
I live in a beautiful city so it's easy to be creative. Decorating homes, painting on glass, collecting shells, beach walks, eating out , being an A...

I live in a beautiful city so it's easy to be creative. Decorating homes, painting on glass, collecting shells, beach walks, eating out

, being an Airbnb host, listening to the likes of Diana Krall, Ella Fitzgerald and Satchmo are a few of my favourite things. Cooking has to be my overall passion as its something I can do any time of the day....its creative, experimental - (my baking flops have not deterred me yet) , the gratification is instant and the bonus is when people come together to enjoy my food.

Traveling has to be another passion. The colours, smells and tastes of exotic destinations has to be the food for my soul....Thailand Is my number one destination.....however as Im getting older the less I can handle the humidity. Croatia and Europe are the destinations this year and traveling for 3 months is going to be bliss.....I will return with a little more insight into the culinary delights of far and distant places and then being able to share them with friends around my dining room table makes my heart sing......
